Wednesday 26 April 2017



After discussing with the interior designer, this was the final concept she chose. Agreeing the copper should extend higher and more decals on the panels. She believed this was the woah factor bar that suits the fitting of the room and appeals to the art-deco/steam punk theme intended. I am not the decider in the final design. I simply created the choices for her to make. Applying a greater field to choose from creates an informed decision. 


This brief was a massive learning curve in my development as a creative. I have mentioned in the past presentation brief that it was my intention to take the skills I have learnt in my time here to not just use for Graphic Design purposes but other creative outlets. It is my goal to work in a number of creative practices, not just a singular defining role. 

This submission is my example of this. Interior design is a passion of mine. Another point mentioned in my presentation is a very valuable point; “It’s not what you know, but who you know” this opportunity would not have came my way if I had not worked in this hotel for the past 3-4 years, and I also offered my services free of charge. This was not about money, but my development as a creative. 

A massive shame regarding this brief is not being able to showcase my final design. Production does not continue until next week and looks to be finished in 2 weeks. I hope this does not lower my expected grade as this will probably be my best creation so far. I am very impressed with myself as a creative in being able to first obtain this opportunity and successfully produce it in a manner that satisfies a big hotel chain. It has given me motivation that I already have to skills to successfully achieve the goals I have set myself for the future. 

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