LoopdeLoop is an animation challenge. Animators from around the world create looping animations based on a given topic and submit them to www.loopdeloop.org. At the end of each theme the top 100 posted loops are compiled and screened to a live audience at Loop in Melbourne, Australia and at other venues throughout Australia and the world.


LoopdeLoop sprang to life in May 2011 as a replacement for The Animation Club’s Secret Handshake event at Loop. Secret handshake was a monthly animation night organised by the wonderful Sarah Dean, and encouraged local animators to create a new short animation to a set theme each month. The screenings gave students and professionals alike an opportunity to have their work projected in front of a live audience and to experiment with new techniques.


LoopdeLoop gives animators an opportunity to network internationally through our blog and to rub shoulders locally with fellow animators at our screenings. Our goal is to connect people working in independent animation and ease the feelings of isolation that can come with the notoriously long hours involved in the creation of their work.
Rather than short films which can quickly balloon into daunting, all encompassing projects, we’ve opted to be a monthly showcase of animated loops. The idea behind this is to make creating work for the project more achievable and fun, much less intimidating than having to plan and execute a full animated narrative.
Looping animations are a great challenge to create, because they force you to refine an idea into a tiny nugget and pack a lot of time and effort into a short sequence of images. When executed well, the resulting loop is an engaging sequence which flows seamlessly and stands up to repeated viewings.


In the interests of quality control, once submitted each loop will need to pass an initial judgement before appearing on the blog. This ensures that all posted loops are engaging, well animated, submitted correctly (in one of the specified formats), and run in a continuous loop.
Please note Loop De Loop is a non profit blog/event, run solely in the interest of good times and great memories.
Our highly qualified team are as follows;
Daniel Atkinson.
Freelance illustrator, Lecturer and ex president of Illustrators Australia, Daniel has a keen eye for style and technique, and his knowledge of superheroes is so thorough that it’s a little disturbing.
Simone Bennett.
A magnificent graphic designer Simone is a multi skilled design professional with an eye for detail, snacks, and the ridiculous things that make human beings so damned interesting.
Felix Colgrave.
Award winning animator and criminal mastermind, Felix is a force to be reckoned with. His talents are prodigious, his feedback concise, and his beard… voluptuous.
Ivan Dixon.
One half of Rubber House animation studio and all round fancy man of animation, Ivan Dixon is a bandy armed pug loving maniac with a heart of gold! Just don’t say anything bad about Popeye around him…
Andrew Evans.
Illustrator, Animator, and wearer of pants that suit him, Drew is a master multi-tasker. As proof of this he will be watching your work and offering you feedback while also eating a slice of toast.
Joanna Leitch.
Joanna Leitch is an animator, illustrator, and designer based in Los Angeles. She is development coordinator at Nickelodeon Animation, one-half of our LoopDeLoop LA team and she kind of really likes Star Wars… a lot!
Megan Jo Nairn.
Animator, lecturer, illustrator, comic creator and all round extraordinary girl, Megan has worked on many animated productions and is only too happy to share advice and baked treats with fellow creators. Megan now resides in LA and is the other half of our LoopdeLoop LA team!
Adam Parton.
An accomplished animator with years of experience in the studio system, Adam is currently working as a fancy man on Bojack Horseman.
Mel Sanders.
A multi-skilled business manager with arts training, Mel is a stickler for detail and when ideas become too “creative” and go off the rails, she gets them back on track.
Neil Sanders.
An illustrator, lecturer and animator, Neil is a child trapped in an adult’s body, like some sort of unending Tom Hanks nightmare. He teaches in the Diploma of Illustration at Melbourne Polytechnic.
Nathanael Scott.
Captain of industy, Nath is one of natures greatest miracles, capable of both intricate code and stunning design, and can out dance anyone at a moments notice.