Tuesday 8 May 2018



The following cap designs came from trying a sample 14 different caps. The caps for Our House needed to be made with correct fitting and good material. This would reflect quality and luxury. The same procedure for the t-shirt test was used. Eventually I found two samples which had the correct thickness and quality. Two vary in colour and material. The navy cap is made from polyester and nylon. The beige is made from a strong cotton. This was done to offer alternative styles.

Moving forward I think I am going to scrap the nylon cap, as I personally do not like it and I will only release clothing in bulk to the designs that I love and that I would wear.


The beige design works well, as the contrasting colours compliment each other. 

The cost of the cap will be £22.22 including the label, and packaging with the accessory.

I will sell the cap for £30 making a profit  of £7.78 per cap sold

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