Tuesday 8 May 2018


Our House Heart Design:

This design was a collab with a student from illustration. Looking into their work they had a heart illustration which I liked as a t shirt design. We repurposed the design to fit the ideology of the ‘I want it now’ culture. ‘I want it now’ is a testimony to how we as a society have evolved. With everything so readily available we have become accustomed to getting what we want, and when we want it. This materialistic obsession is something people have just grown to accept as just the norms of our society. It is extremely prevalent in the clothing industry specifically luxury clothing brands. Half the people wear something because everyone else is doing it. Not because of what it really stands for, or because they genuinely like it. Our House accepts this as part of our process, by creating clothing that not only tells a story but has an appealing design aesthetic. These designs looks to delve further into mocking this ideology, but also proudly representing it. 

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