Tuesday 1 May 2018



Looking into companies who could print my packaging professionally, I tried looking into china, as they offer the cheapest prices however the lowest minimum order found was 1000 units. The cheapest company I found was UK Print Price. After university I will be looking to print around 20 garments from 15 most favoured designs. This means I would need 300 packages. It costs:

£224 for 200 = £1.12 per 
£285 for 500 = £0.59 per

For 500 it’s nearly half the amount per unit for £61 more, and you get 300 extra packages. There is higher risk, however to ultimately save money and increase profits in the future it is the best idea going forward.

I want to keep the unit cost per item down for my clothing, this ties in with my mandate of offering high quality products for cheaper prices. I will only add £2 to the overall cost of the garment. This means I recieve 40p per item sold. 

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