Tuesday 1 May 2018



Create a luxury unisex streetwear clothing line for Our House. This brief will also act as my collaboration brief for this submission. 


The clothing needs to be suited to a gender neutral audience of young adults, from the ages of 13-30, who are heavily invested in fashion culture. 


I gave myself 5 weeks to finish this brief

1 week - Research
3 weeks - Design
2-3 days - Printing design
2-3 days - Photograph and write up 


Our House strives to produce simple yet powerful designs with a unique aesthetic of our own. Our House’s exploration of sophisticated streetwear reaches a level of luxury not commonly seen from independent design outfits. We are built upon a core philosophy of collaboration and authenticity. We opt to comply with the often shallow obsession for hype clothing, whilst still focusing on working collaboratively with creatives, to produce products that tell a story and represent quality.  

Our streetwear is relevant to all audiences interested in streetwear. Streetwear as a culture has progressed far past individual cliques. Streetwear brands now merge into all communities, be it skatewear, basketball general fashionistas. Our House is no different in the sense that we look to deliver products that are essential and relevant to all people interested in the culture of streetwear, male or female.

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