Wednesday 17 May 2017



The next step was finding alternative distribution methods to further spread the message across on different formats. A zine is resourceful but it is not the most effective method of distribution. Social media is so dominant in marketing messages, products and services, it’s main benefit is that it is free advertising. So it is cost effective, and stick’s to ethical standards, by providing awareness of an ethical issue to as many people as possible, on a global scale with no price involved. 

Considerations were made into developing a website, but it is not really effective without a fan-base. Instagram was chosen as the only online/social media platform, as the idea is image orientated. If popularity is generated then a website would be produced. 

The social media account works to promote examples of graphic design that has both a visually satisfying aesthetic and contains ethical standards. Essentially evolving the visual experiment onto a online platform. Engaging all creatives, and inspiring them through social media. They could be encouraged by free publicity for their work being posted online, as a personal incentive.


It has potential to flip the established client-worker relationship. The idea is for creatives to earn a fair pay for creating graphic design that expresses their ideals and has a meaningful ethical purpose.

Creatives contact via the email provided on Instagram account. If they want to sell physical prints for example a poster (providing it has a clear meaningful message that appeals to ethical standards) Neo could sell these prints, with majority of the money going to the designer. Only a small portion would be taken out as part of a labour/distribution fee. This fee would be variable, on cost of print, amount of labour involved etc. 

As it is not-for-profit Neo is not taxable so any profits generated would go back into the business. 

If this becomes popular a store and website would be made available.

This concept encourages designers to produce more ethical design and take more of an active role on the issue, as it benefits all parties involved. 

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