Tuesday 16 May 2017


Ethics: Moral principles that govern a persons behaviour

1. Do you think ethics is important in Graphic design?

Yes, because it adds a certain structure to design, and there has to be a consumer purchase side to graphic design, and no because the idea of design being curated for depicting a certain ethical/political/social message is not really there anymore as a main purpose.

2. What defines good graphic design?

Not wasteful and unnecessary, honesty, correct messages, but who decides this?

3. What does ethical practice entail in graphic design?

Speaking for someone who does not have a voice in charities. 

Honesty - Branding, not to mislead clients or audiences

Respectful - Avoid hyperbole be responsive and always well intentioned

Rules - Thou shall not / Thou shall manifesto of Do's and Dont's

The graphic designer is accountable as the marketing and publicity department for the propogation of a message or idea

Sustainable Development:

Related image

How does sustainability relate to ethics? ethical practice and sustainable practice, e.g, packaging, materials, produced recyclable.

Eric Benson

Initial discussions:
-Respect and care for the community

Conscious design decisions
- design for re-use/longevity 

Studios with good moral codes:

- Footprint leeds - ethically good, practical approach, eco-friendly inks
- Cast Iron Design
- Re-nourish - Non Profit organisation
- Rupert Bassets and Lynne Elvins

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