Sunday 17 April 2016


This unit has evolved my practice in graphic design in many ways. I never knew of the laws you have to abide by in this subject, the do's and dont's. Prior to my studies here I would have a very post-modern mind-set on the term art and design. But this unit gives you a found appreciation for certain parts of graphic design. With that does have it's negatives as well. Although my skills in graphic design would have evolved as my knowledge for the subject is more refined, sometimes these do's and dont's, I find can be restricting. I am also disappointed in myself for not realising the sheer potential of the book brief. I realised too little too late that, this book was the opportunity to explore new ideas and new methods, stepping out of my comfort zone, however I took the safe approach and did what I already know and like. I see now I did not use that brief to its full potential. Although I still enjoyed the process, workshops such as book-binding were enjoyable to do, however I am still unsure of the process, and need to further develop my skills in this criteria. This unit has given me more knowledge in other adobe applications, indesign is very useful tool to use in my work, especially with this brief. I am still finding it difficult to experiment with the canons page of construction method, and the mathematical process of using indesign, which is something I am more preventing as I simply do not understand the application enough to feel confident with it/ not being my particular style of work. But I shall continue to try enhance my schools in this area, I just need to be more willing to do so. The strong critical analysation of what stock to use in the printing process, in the book brief was also a new aspect in the design process. Before this brief I did not spend much of my design process thinking about stock, I see now that it is an important design decision to make. I have benefited from design principles as a whole, there are obviously some parts I enjoyed less, due to already covering them in previous schools, however it was informative and will only enhance my skills as a graphic designer. 

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