Monday 18 April 2016


I chose my selected presentation layout, for simply creating a change in dynamic in my approach. Attempting new methods, that may seem illogical or not something I would usually delve into, however I took the opportunity to make this brief fun for myself. I chose a ninja star, as my folding technique, as it is a new refreshing concept, and at the time of the process I thought it would make the information easily accessible as a leaflet, and still show the content in good form. For this particular brief I did not provide much justification or experimentation, again sticking to my original idea, I did explore other methods however, in terms of origami, this folding technique was best suited to the actual purpose, of it being a leaflet, and presenting information.

I did research into basic folding techniques, however this just made me more willing to push myself and try different methods. The publication above is an example of being innovative with folding techniques. 

I decided to go with the ninja star origami folding technique, I do not have much justification for this process, it was less about continued experimentation, due to the fact that I am already trying something fresh and innovative.

Overall, my main objective here was to produce a small publication, that is informative in its chosen subject, engaging with new folding techniques, whilst employing design principles I have studied this term, in the production of this publication.

Am I satisfied with my final resolution? No. I do not think the ninja star works well as a publication layout. Yes I like how each fold out reflects new subject criteria, however I spent a lot of time creating test prints to get a suitable size, and still came out quite small. A bit too small. The text is difficult to read, but is still readable. This is mainly due to trying to embed the text in such a small shape, whilst trying to maintain a level of coherency in the design, by maintain font sizes, and correct utilisation of spacing. 

I did not employ use of grid or any guide in this process and I think it has flawed my final resolution, with fold outs not accurate enough in presentation. I do like how condesned it is, and how it presents itself visually but there are many factors that should have been analysed before the printing process. 

This publication feels rushed and not enough time and care has been taken into the final resolution. 

I regret not employing more colour into my design, as my subject is colour theory, perhaps my design should have exuded this, however it instead comes off quite plain. I do not mean experimenting with stock as the stock needed to be white, so diagrams and colour wheels could be displayed correctly and effectively. But perhaps I should have experimented more with coloured designs on the cover. 

I attempted new methods in this brief, stepping out my comfort zone, in the end the pragmatics of using a ninja star as my folding technique ultimately flawed my final resolution, and made it difficult to work with. But it was an experiment and I have learnt from the process. Mainly not to use a ninja star in a publication again. (haha) My intentions were good however, not enough planning was put into the brief, and a limited amount of overall design principles was used in the process of production. Although my knowledge in this subject and Gastals principles, have greatly advanced over this term, I perhaps did not utilise this knowledge correctly for this brief. As aspects such as spacing, and use of white space etc. are not taken into consideration thoroughly. 

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