Wednesday 27 April 2016

STUDY TASK - 03 - Drug misus - Dummy

Message: reinforcing anti-drug message, that Heroin is a dangerous and potentially harmful drug, by using a well known TV actress of that time of the 80's to appeal to the targeted market demographic, by trying to relate to them.
Key Facts: Heroin ruins lives, damaged health 
Tone of Voice: 
'Heroin screws you up' A brief but powerful rememberable line, simple and effective.
Uses stark imagery to deliver anti-drugs message, through the use of negative connotations to depict the negative image conveyed. The haunting ark setting implies the negatives of taking Heroin, so the use of production techniques is heavily used in conveying a negative response to the subject matter. 
Target audience is probably teenagers, due to the use of a famous childrens tv show actor, and the implication of relating actions to what they're friends do implies this. This makes it much more personal to the audience watching. 

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