Friday 29 April 2016


OUG406 has been beneficial to my overall practice as a designer. Particularly the money brief as I was able to develop my skills in screen printing, to a level where I feel comfortable. I enjoy taking full advantage of the resources available at this college. I found the research criteria in this brief very interesting and took a very hands on approach to this brief, it was a shame at first that it was not a digital print brief, as I produced a design that was well informed and looked great, however saying that I still like my screen printed version, it was just frustrating having to simplify my design so much, as my skills severely lacked in screen printing. For this brief my imagination far outweighed my talent.

In response to Secret 7, it was a release to be able to take a much more free approach to working, a much more postmodern approach, sometimes it is not always beneficial to take this approach however in a brief such as this, you are inclined to just go for it, with an array of ideas and approaches. It was a much more artistic style of working and I enjoyed it. 

In relation to studio brief 3-4 these were my least favourite of the briefs. As I was not enjoying what I was producing and did not particularly like the final outcomes. I understood why we needed to do reflective practice however I would have preferred another type of brief. 

As a module I would say this has been my least favourite, mainly do to the deadline days, if it was more spread out I believe my final outcomes could have been more refined and my design boards more articulate as a response to the briefs. I felt rushed with this hand in and it ultimately effected my final hand in. Next year I will be more efficient with my time management, this has been a big issue for me this year, I will pre plan and try to finish work at a more suitable time so I am not playing catch up. This approach to work is not good, and will effect my time on this course. Saying that it is good when it comes to self evaluating moments like this where I can identify where I have gone wrong and look to improve on these points in the future. 

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