Sunday 17 April 2016


The Mystery of the Blue Train -classic Agatha!

Certain colour selections are put in place, due to the psychological properties they convey through the visual eye. Mystery novels for instance normally placed in dark black colour which then contrasts with a much brighter colder colour such as a pale blue like you see above, or a pale yellow etc. Black is a dominant colour used in mystery books The colour black relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery. It keeps things bottled up inside, hidden from the world.

More comparative colour. Joseph Albers from "Interaction of Colour". The 3 backgrounds are the same colours but react differently due to the different colours in the middle. 

More comparative color. Joseph Albers from "Interaction of Color". The 3 backgrounds are the same colors but react differently due to the different colors in the middle. Josef Albers was a German-born American artist and educator at the Bauhaus whose work on color theory, both in Europe and in the United States, formed the basis of some of the most influential and far-reaching art education programs of the 20th century:
"We learn from failure, not from success." Doctor Van Helsing

Positive keywords include: action, energy and speed, attention-getting, assertive and confident, energizing, stimulating, exciting, powerful, passionate, stimulating and driven, courageous and strong, spontaneous and determined.

Negative keywords include: aggressive and domineering, over-bearing, tiring, angry and quick-tempered, ruthless, fearful and intolerant, rebellious and obstinate, resentful, violent and brutal

These are the reasons red is a dominant colour used in horror films, but its odd that it can be the dominant colour used in romance novels also. By simply looking at the positive emotional context in the colour red. Its interesting how as a colour it is very divided in meaning/intent.

Positive keywords include: optimism, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, fun, good-humored, confidence, originality, creativity, challenging, academic and analytical, wisdom and logic.

Negative keywords include: being critical and judgmental, being overly analytical, being impatient and impulsive, being egotistical, pessimistic, an inferiority complex, spiteful, cowardly, deceitful, non-emotional and lacking compassion.

It is these emotional perceptions taken out of the colour yellow, as to why it is dominant in comedy and humour. It evokes optimism, enthusiasm and fun. The warm tonal colours express more light-heartedness.

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