Sunday 17 April 2016


I actually did another design for this piece however my laptop crashed so lost a lot of work including this. So I decided to do the opposite of what I did previously, by focusing on the text being displayed to convey modernism, and the layout and form of the text and design shall be post-modernism. In my previous design I did the opposite. 

I don't particularly like my final outcome, however it was the style I went for. Choosing a very varied colour selection of red, black and white. I chose Bodoni as the font, as it is one of the pinnacle definitions of a modern typeface. However I made it very difficult to read to express a post-modernism edge to it. Because post-modernism does not justify itself. It expresses a number of styles and general mentality of the movement, as its a thought process, as much as it is in art.

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