Though he’s still studying, Romanoski has amassed some gloriously succinct words of wisdom for creatives embarking on their early career:
Allow for failure, disappointment, and flexibility within a process.
Confusion is an interesting place to work
Work with limitations instead of fighting them.
The first version is usually bad.
The designer cites artist and photographer Shannon Ebner’s Auto Body Collision project as his most pertinent source of inspiration at present, a strange Ballard-meets-Baurdillard exploration of sign, image, and meaning. Like Romanoski’s work, it’s both visually rooted and academically leaning. The designer says his favorite projects to work on usually have a conceptual bias. He enjoys “the ones that require a lot of research, conceptualization and ideation in the beginning. The experimentation phase of a project is typically my favorite part. Otherwise, I really like working with my friends. Those projects end up being pretty fun.”