Tuesday 10 January 2017



These principles were a vital resource point from where the design and function of the app were stemmed from. They manipulate our visual perceptions, and as such make a powerful tool for any screen designer. They were influential in creating a good user interface/experience. 


Users perceive objects that look similar as having similar uses. As a means to communicate function in a quick and simple way, this principle’s use in web design is massive. By creating similar icons or structures, it allows the app to be much easier to understand.


Using the close arrangement of elements to create a group association between those objects. If individual elements are also similar, they will tend to be perceived as a single whole, even though they are separate elements.


Following the same reasoning as similarity, grouping has the same effect with objects grouped together, even if they look different.There are two methods I used:

Enclosure — Adding a visible barrier like a box or circle to enclose elements will suggest they function similarly.
Proximity — Elements close together will appear similar, especially if the group is separated from other elements or groups.

Symmetry and Order:

Put simply, this principle says that a composition should not provide a sense of disorder or imbalance, as otherwise the viewer will waste time trying to locate the missing element, or fix the problem, rather than focusing on the message or instruction.


Because we so often see things only partially, our brains have developed a mechanism to “fill in the blanks” so to speak. It is understood the function here is to interact with the icon so the heart fills up show show that you have liked a post this is an example of closure, providing reification 

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