Tuesday 10 January 2017



Many valuable lessons were learnt in this process, one is there can be a cost too much experimentation with ideas. With so many concepts and ideas of where you want the publication to go it can overstuff the final design, as you want to incorporate too much. I was trying to find a way to input laser cutting, japanese stitching, screen printing etc. it can become too much. In the end these ways of thinking of trying to succeed in too much costed me time and money. I had to completely change the concept and idealogy of the production of the design. It was all from the intent to try and out-do myself. I knew I could perfect bind a book, I did not know I could japanese stitch, although this is part of my grade and was a risky move to make, this whole process is about evolving as a designer, not playing it safe and creating what I already know I can create. However this way I subconciously evolved as a designer in a way I did not see. I realised that although I lost time and effort in my production process, these wrongs taught so much more than I could learn from designing from a safe point of view. Allowing for failure, dissapointment and confusion, as it can be an interesting place to work. These forward ways of thinking only enhance my knowledge as a creative. 

It is important to note every section of this brief was done from informed design decisions. The stock, the cover, the content, the type all tie into one single purpose of intent and style. In this brief I tried as hard as possible to turn away from just the aesthetic of production, of course this brief is all about production, however I cannot stress enough production is meaningless without it’s content. Just like in the screen brief the user experience works in tandem with user interface. It’s an interesting correlation that I have just realised between the two briefs. 

As a final outcome I am pleased with it, however I do wish my original concept worked. Time and the universties facilities constantly being so busy got in the way of me pursuing my design intent, and bit off way more than I could chew from the outset however I have learned from these mistakes. Spending 20 hours creating a staircase flipbook, was not a wise decision and overall a waste of time, I need to learn to stick to the askings of the brief, some points of the brief I spent far too much time with content when the production needed attention. However I love the final quality of the print finish, apart from the front/back cover, it was test printed however content is missing from the back and the designs are slightly larger than intended, however it knocked £20 off the final printing cost so cannot complain! 

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