Tuesday 10 January 2017



Using screens to write descriptions in my own writing, then scanning the screens in placing them on my publication is the method chosen to produce the typeface. 
Below is an example:

There are no guidelines or limitations in street art, its expressing your own voice, this is something vital I wanted to express in the overall design/production of the publication.

It was still understood that the direction was following form doesn’t follow function so even if a digital formatted type would be used, there were other methods in which experimentation was done to change the standard structure of layout and form of the typeface, however compared to hand written it was not considered further. 


Aspiring to the imperfection of Sagmeister, it was decided that the book would take a post-modern approach. Detesting against the likes of Massimo Vignelli’s ‘form follows function’ this publication would have a much more personal touch to it. So there was not a layout structured. However it is important to note that although this is the method, aspects such as readability/legibility will still be taken into consideration, as it may be a style however the purpose is still for it to be legible.

How to approach this task? By creating new ways of thinking and new design approaches. Last year was meant to be the year for experimentation, and although there is a risk factor of this project actually being graded towards the final qualification, experimenting with new design techniques is going to be fundamental to the production process. It was not an interest from the beginning to create a standardised book, the initial aim was to build a book of quality and longevity. Once content was decided, the reader needed to be taken into account, so the production intent could be decided. 

Audience: it is mentioned that this book is not a travellers guide but a typographical urban exploration, so the audience is to anyone interested in Montreal, but more specifically type enthusiasts. So there was not a particular gender or age that this book would be aiming for. It was decided from this point that the book would be sold at a high price due to it’s personal touch, and production methods.

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