Tuesday 10 January 2017


A book’s cover is the first thing a potential reader sees and it can make a lasting impression. Our brains are wired to process images faster than words. When we see an image, it makes us feel something.  A great cover can help the reader instantly recognise that this book is for them.”

Mark Coker Smashword director says there’s a clear connection between great covers and great sales. “In addition to promising what a book will deliver, the [cover] image also promises (or fails to promise) that the author is a professional, and that the book will honour the reader’s time.” 

An outstanding cover may also attract the attention of retail merchandising managers, which can translate into a boon for sales. “When ebook retailers select books for special merchandising features, cover design is paramount,”

Initially  the cover design was a lot different. But materials and concept has completely changed so it needed a fresh new idea. These are the original ideas, a lot of pattern design working with the Montreal symbol:

 These were the original designs for the Japanese stitched book.



Eventually deciding to go with the above design. As it conveyed subtly and professionalism, granted that is not what the content inside depicts however it is important to look at a front cover as it’s own device, it’s purpose is completely different to the information and design inside. A book’s cover is the first thing a potential reader sees and it can make a lasting impression. Our brains are wired to process images faster than words. When we see an image, it makes us feel something.  A great cover can help the reader instantly recognise that this book is for them.”

Mark Coker Smashword director says there’s a clear connection between great covers and great sales. “In addition to promising what a book will deliver, the [cover] image also promises (or fails to promise) that the author is a professional, and that the book will honor the reader’s time.” 

An outstanding cover may also attract the attention of retail merchandising managers, which can translate into a boon for sales. “When ebook retailers select books for special merchandising features, cover design is paramount,”

Initially  the cover design was a lot different. But materials and concept has completely changed so it needed a fresh new idea. Next page are the original ideas, a lot of pattern design working with the Montreal symbol.

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