Tuesday 10 January 2017


Choosing the right paper for your printed media can be tricky. Paper tells about the function of the product, it's feeling and quality. Therefore it's a crucial part of the overall experience of your final product. Best of all is to start thinking about the choice of paper even before you start your work on the computer, not only to get the feeling right but also because of printing issues and costs. You can then optimize the production and design according to the paper of your choice. Here are some of the things to keep in mind about the use of paper for your printed media production.

Choice of stock is vital in the design process when creating a publication it is make or break. Think of it as the canvas. It will need to further in enhance and compliment the content. Above are the chosen G.F Smith stocks chosen as potential candidates for the publication. (attatched to folder)

- Vermillion Red 175gsm
- Corinthian Green 200gsm
- Absolute White 160gsm
- Plike Red 140gsm
- Imperial Blue 175gsm
- Uncoated Matte White 200gsm
After learning from the issue of a smaller gsm from the previous concept, it was an important design decision to make, deciding to go with uncoated white matt 200gm. With going for a higher price, quality standards need to be put in place. A thick stock creates the feeling of importance, gives the publication more weight so does not feel as flimsy which indicates cheap connotations, it is also a nicer reading gesture, with a feeling of greater satisfaction as you turn through pages. 

Image result for CORINTHIAN GREEN

Image result for VERMILLION RED
Image result for imperial blue colourImage result for PLIKE ORANGE

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