Tuesday 10 January 2017



Animation is a focal point to the user experience, a consistent familiar flowing experience was needed to keep the user engaged. For the app animation and motion effects were used judiciously, as excessive annimation can make people feel disconnected or distracted. 

The method in which I went about achieving this was by using smooth transitions and fluid changes. It needed to have that comparable familiarity to it, so it is easy to use and understand, apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all adopt similiar animation as it is the easiest most interpreted form of animation, so sticking with this idealogy whilst trying to create a new emmersive user experience was a challenge. There were a few ways I achieved a better user experience:

- Deference: using fluid motion, with a beautiful interface helps people understand content without competing with it.

- Depth: distinct visual layers and realistic motion were used to convey hierachy, impart vitality, and facilitate understanding. Creating transitions provide a sense of depth as you navigate through content.

- Kept gestures simple and clean. For example, if a gesture was used to go further in the app, by doing the opposite it will return you to your previous position, seems obvious however it is imparetive to the user experience, as it can hinder the functionablity of the app, as gestures elicit a close personal connection with content and enhance the sense of direct manipulation of onscreen  functions.

- Aesthetic integrity was used to represent how well the app’s apperance and behaviour integrate with it’s function. Through using subtle, unobtrusive graphics and predictable behaviour, further enhances the user experience.

The advert:

Song choice:

The song is by Quincey Jones, it was used to denote a playful experience. Taking seriousness out of the audiences mind and conveying a sense of ‘fun’ and imagination. The app is for creatives, it needed to be an ad that conveys a lighter tone. The track also needed to be catchy and rememerable, similiarly how Gocompare work with their advertisements. To further ground this idea and bring a sense of professionalism into the ad a sans serif typeface was used that expresses class and authenticity, through use of a clean cut typeface. 

The song contributes the overall comedic tone of the ad, right from it’s introduction the intent was to convey the friendly user experience through advertisment, after those first few seconds the the piano drops the audience is taken into a first hand example of how the app operates, depicting the user control.

As an overall advert, it doesn’t scream professionalism however it is my first time working with after effects and I am happy with the results, I looked into 3d design however this would have put a lot of time pressure on the brief and risky to under-go when I am just coming to grips with the programme.

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