Tuesday 10 January 2017



This is the most informed project I have ever done. There is an informed design decision undertaken at every point of this brief. Each idea and design/animation was informed, purely because it has to be in order to produce an excellent user interface/experience, and potential successful business. Everything needs to work in harmony in order for the whole picture to work. If one thing is out of balance or does not fit, it ruins the entire picture, which is why each step was so informed. 

As an overall advert, it doesn’t scream professionalism however it is my first time working with after effects and I am happy with the results, I was looking into 3D design to bring further realism however this would have put a lot of time pressure on the brief and risky to under-go when I am just coming to grips with the software.

I believe I have stuck to the initial aims of the brief, granted there was so much intrinsic detail in the production of this app that I did not forsee, however it was all an integral process of developing a user experience/interface with excellent user control. The best apps find the correct balance between enabling users and avoiding unwanted outcomes. An app can make people feel like they’re in control by keeping interactive elements familiar and predictable. This allows for better functionablity and accessability. 

I have offered a service to all creatives in creative practictions, that acts as a creative resource for information, and advertisement through social networking implications. Creating a singular access point where a creative can pull the resources he/she needs all together. Through adopting tactics of successful ventures and building from these ideas to generate my own. This is a brilliant formula in creating any successful business. Taking the strengths from an idea and learning from their weaknesses so you can generate a new better product. This is why Facebook was the reference point for my app because it is the only successful app that I know of that offers such a wide range of services whilst still offering a good user experience, it doesn’t feel over stuffed with information it is quite simple and consistent which is something I think I have achieved.

I am actually very confident in this idea, as I believe it has massive potential, I am waiting for the results of this brief as I do look to take this idea further and would like further advice on if this concept has what it takes. It has a very strong USP, with space on the market for such an idea, the true strength and opportunity lies within education I believe, it can further benefit and enhance students study of creative principles, as well as promote/market yourself as creative, connecting with a diverse and wide range of creatives, as well as set briefs provided.

I have enjoyed this brief, although time consuming spending 20 hours on a piece of animation that lasts a minute, it can drain you but it has opened my eyes to how vital every aspect is in the production of a good user experience, whilst mainting your overall aims.  It has allowed me to develop a higher level technical understanding and application of design principles/skills in screen-based media. I believe my app, answers my initial problem and offers a service that is innovative, with a beautiful visual design and complete user experience. 

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