Tuesday 10 January 2017

It's Nice That

The idea here is to research winning formulas that follow the same principles and ideas that I would need to create my application. 

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It’s Nice That believes passionately that creative inspiration is for everyone and by championing the most exciting and engaging work online, in print and through events programme, opening up this world to the widest possible audience. 

Founded in 2007, It’s Nice That has grown across many platforms and reaches over a million people each month. 

It’s Nice That is part of the The Hudson Bec Group which exists to enable creativity to thrive. The group also includes Anyways, a creative agency that guides brands and organisations through the busy, broad worlds of culture and communication, and launching January 2017 Lecture in Progress, helping the next generation of creatives make better career decisions by inspiring and informing them of the breadth of opportunities that exist in the creative industry.

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