Tuesday 10 January 2017


Why Montreal? 

In order to effectively demonstrate the effect and use of typography in a specific place, a decision was made to produce a publication specifically to Montreal instead of Canada as a whole. This will allow for more specific analysis and deconstruction, on how typography is presented differently to the country. Montreal is a unique city with a culture clash in tradition from English to French.

What makes this location choice more interesting is looking at typography in a different language. Interesting how the language is maybe different but the style and typefaces displayed for certain uses run parallel to designs seen from home. Submersed deep downtown the style and approaches change to a less formal, more artistically cultural  view on typography. Far more adorning to it’s own specific sense of place. A more personal view of the city. It is the emotive, personal context of the city streets that will be transcribed in the publication.

American architect, Louis Sullivan said:

“ the principle deems that design should be based primarily upon it’s intended purpose and function and not purely aesthetic.”

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