Tuesday 10 January 2017


In terms of publication, producing a piece of graphic design where the information directly links to the production is very important and shall be the underlining focal point throughout the design process. 

“Vernacular lettering and other forms of urban communication have a way of creating and preserving a sense of place and local culture, and serve as a marker of regional identity. They become symbols of our heritage and when these symbols disappear, our sense of place and who we are is diminished.”

Molly Woodward
             Image result for montreal symbol

This is the symbol for Montreal, the aim here is to experiment with this design as much as possible. Having previous experience with pattern design, this symbol shall be integrated into the very core of this publication through patterning.

How to approach this task? By creating new ways of thinking and new design approaches. Last year was meant to be the year for experimentation, and although there is a risk factor of this project actually being graded towards the final qualification, experimenting with new design techniques is going to be fundamental to the production process. 


MúzeumCafé Books  #1 Museum – A House for Learning Museum Theoretical Case Studies  This publication is the first volume of a Hungarian museum professional series published by the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. It is written by university professor Péter György, director of ELTE’s Institute for Art Theory and Media Studies, and Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.:

Decided to go with the Japanese stitch bound similar to the publication above, so the publication comes off more as a journal rather than a booklet. The simplicity of the designed publication above is a style I would like to replicate. Using one basic template and one contrasting colour creates an effective bold front-cover. This is an area which is important these effects are a way of drawing the reader in. The subject has not been decided, the first glance is vital as it is a method to draw the audience in. They do not know what the publication is about yet. So as the images displayed shall be loud and vibrant, it is only suitable that the front cover displays these factors. The books themes should be translated from beginning to end. The main reasoning behind this design decision is the standardised expectation of travel publications, they never really entice the reader which is why they are hardly used for their intended purpose, veering away from the industry standard and offering a niche instead. 

  Intricate Laser Cut Black Business Card by Smriti Kariwal Business Card Free Design http://www.plasticcardonline.com:

                          Delicate laser cutting on eyecatching cover - Iggesund:

Looking into laser cutting techniques to further enhance my publication, however due to inexperience this process might be difficult to under-go. Experimenting with the Montreal logo is the main aim with this procedure. 

             Image result for laser cut publication

An idea in order to fill the side stitch book out is to fill the middle with a cut out piece like the above design. Purely for creative purposes, perhaps make the publication more engaging, allowing for more design rather than purely text based.

                      I think this is a very interesting magazine cover combining the faces of two people together!

Looking into more practical less precise means of design, still deciding between what style of intent to go for with this publication. This rough paper shredded style is appealing and could transition well with the urban Montreal feel of the overall design. However good this may look when coming to the actual production it may be difficult to do, it looks simple and effective but being a perfectionist trying to get the perfect ripped aesthetic may be challenging and overall unrewarding, however saying that experimentation shall still be done to achieve said style.

             DEUTSCHE & JAPANER - Creative Studio - sipgate annual 2013 #deutscheundjapaner #german #deutsch #ripped #book #publication #bookcover #rip #torn #tear #paper:

             Julia Kostreva #graphic #design:

more examples of using the laser cutter. Some may be deemed simplistic but it's result speaks volumes, and enables depth to a design. This maybe the effect suitable for the overall aesthetic of the publication, simple, clean, cut that still entices the reader.

              Moniker — Designer Fund:


An interesting method of displaying colour. A task within the production process for this brief will be trying to install colour when necessary, as the overall colour scheme may be quite basic and plain, where to input colour and when not too is an important design decision. 

              Transversal. Book by Buenos días:

             Egg – winner of the Non-Fiction ABCD Award. Designed by Claire Skeats:

         anna piaggi 1:

  “Criterion Designs” is a new book celebrating three decades of superb, universally acclaimed movie packaging design from The Criterion Collection. It’s a lavishly illustrated peek behind the scenes...:


             Archphoto 2.0:

  The photos here are breathtaking. The grid-based layout on the second page organizes the photos and text for maximum impact, guiding the eye smoothly around the page. The design makes the most of the white space in an artistic, and logical presentation.:

The photos here are breathtaking. The grid-based layout on the second page organises the photos and text for maximum impact, guiding the eye smoothly around the page. The design makes the most of the white space in an artistic, and logical presentation.

DESIGN PRACTICE. : KINFOLK; GRIDS AND LAYOUT DEVELOPMENT... - a grouped images picture - Pin Them All:

             Amok - Atoms for Peace dossier #design #graphicdesign #art:

  It's Nice That | An innovative approach to typography and ace use of monochrome from Prague's Parallel Practice:

Trying to work around how to display text in the publication, still unsure whether layout should be simplistic or perhaps delve more postmodern and loosen the rules on how to construct the type layout. It looks interesting but however is it needed? It may confuse the reading process, and might be too random.     

             Joseph Johnson - travel journal:


             SUSTAINABILITY REPORT by Julian Weidenthaler:

                         PRODUCTION METHOD / Foil stamp / Offset / DESIGN Zync / Creative direction: Marko Zonta / Art direction, design and copywriting: Mike Kasperski / on TTL Design  PRINTING Springfield Graphics:

             —Six limited edition promotional mailer; love simple font combined with unusual spacing or alignment and maybe an extra element like the horizontal line:


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