Tuesday 10 January 2017



Further research needed to be undertaken to decide a specific price plan for the book. Looking at book retail stores to see what the standardised pricing is for Art/Photography books, such as Waterstones, Amazon etc. It was apparent that it was not just quality of the book which would put up pricing but the name attatched so a Tim Peake or National Geographic book could sell for much more than a no name, as you buy the brand (author) when purchasing a book also. Realising that hardback books are priced higher than paper back, this enabled me to choose a higher price plan of £24.99. 

Why £24.99?

Psychological pricing, it is a pricing/marketing strategy based on the theory that certain prices have a psychological impact. Retail prices are often expressed as “odd prices”: a little less than a round number, e.g. £19.99 or £2.98.

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