Tuesday 10 January 2017


Image result for facebook

If you look at Facebook, it goes beyond a social networking app. It’s original purpose was to connect with others, however it has taken steps way beyond this. It is a social hub, for information, articles, news, life you can access pages of your interest and use the app to access information of your interest. It has become in a way a guide for people around the world.

It was used as a main reference point when designing my app, as for their intent and product matches or comes somewhat close to mine, and they are a winning formula to emulate, why create something completely new when you can use the current successful applications around you?

So to create a successful app you have to understand what makes the already successful apps successful:

- Easy Networking
- Instant Communication
- Marketing and Promotion
- Quick Access
- User friendly nature
- Better interface
- Source of information 
- Entertainment
- Regular updates

All the egg app will be doing is simply directing itself specifically to a creative for instance, Facebook offers a Marketplace or an events page however it’s target audience is to everyone, it does not narrow down to specifics. When you go to the home page it shows the latest news and information from a wider ranged selection. The egg app works to the creative specifics of the designer. Instead of focusing on the latest ISIS attack, it focuses on for example, Nikes rebranded logo. 

Image result for facebook app screenshot

People use Facebook to fulfils two basic social needs: the need to belong and the need for self-presentation. Facebook use is also influenced by outside factors, such as cultural background, sociodemographic variables and personality traits. The main acknowledgement here is it is a beautiful combination of all it’s rivals. It has taken the focial point from each social media application and combined them into one. This is why is is the leading social media app. Incorporating these tactics into my production will only enhance my app. It does the following:

- has chatting feature like the Whatsapp.
- has status feature like Twitter.
- has image feature like Instagram.
- has video feature like Youtube.
- has the ultimate privacy features and is almost unhackable.
- has gaming features like gaming websites.
- shows recent news,advertises and pages of your interests.
- has a online marketplace like eBay.

Now let’s do the same analysation for my app:

- has a blogging feature like Blogger/Tumblr
- has a creative based news/articles like                           It’sNiceThat
- offers briefs/competitions like Briefbox 
- offers an online platform to showcase your work and discover creative work to potentially use for inspiration/connect like Pinterest and Behance. 

- has a feature that allows you to find creative events near you like Songkick or Resident advisor 

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