Monday 30 April 2018



The audience initially for this brief was in direct response to the YouGov poll, and how a large majority of British citizens prefered Attenborough as their selected face of the £20. 

The Federal Office for the Environment (UBA) conducted a survey, it found that just 21% of 14- to 25-year-olds believed that an intact environment and the chance to enjoy nature were important parts of a “good life”.

That was nine percentage points fewer than the already disappointing 30% of the whole population who agreed.

“The present study shows that the readiness to change behaviour from an environmental perspective is especially decreasing among young people,” UBA president Maria Krautzberger said.

Although the under-25s are aware in the abstract of threats to the environment,  with 94% saying that environment quality worldwide is “very bad”  in the U.K it’s seen as less of a problem.

This brief, as well as the progression onto another linked sustainability brief (also done for extended practice) is to promote the environmental issues in the U.K, and create awareness to the demographic of 14-25 year olds more about how our country specifically is being damaged by environmental issues.

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