Thursday 19 April 2018


As a design process I found this biref more challenging than it should have been. My style of design is not normally minimal, this is due to me not believing I have done enough in the design which was a problem I encountered a lot throughout this brief. It was not until I under went a couple of group crits, and received positive feedback I decided that my idea was enough. The crits enabled me to look past my own design expectancies and my perfectionist attitude. 

At the beginning of this analysis, we looked into what Penguin were looking for. Although I have gone into detail above, I will now discuss in summary how I have achieved their objectives for this book cover. Fundamentally I have created a cover design that:

- has an imaginative concept and original interpretation of the brief, that is competently executed with strong use of typography. I have done this by making the title design the main focus, and also by veering away from traditional methods of design for science genre books. This has allowed my cover to have a point of difference from the many other book covers it is competing against.

- appeal to a contemporary readership - this has been achieved by appealing to the industry standard of book design being ‘less is more’ 

- show a good understanding of the marketplace - this has been shown by understanding how my design works on multiple formats, such as thumbnail, and understanding what the current market trends are for both the genre I am designing for and book design in general. 

- The design of the title visually represents both narrative and concepts involved in the book, The title design acts as a visual respresentation of itself. The method of design also aids in visually representing the book’s main themes. It also relates to Hawkings writing process undertaken in this book, his aim was to make complex science theory relatable to the common man. By adopting a minimal simplistic design, it replicates this message. 

This project has demonstrated how my research and understanding of the brief and what Penguin requires, has aided in the successful development of my cover design. The cover also conveys my understanding of the author and the content within the book to ultimately develop an informed design approach that takes into consideration the market in terms of both the consumer and distribution. 

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