Thursday 19 April 2018



The understanding of proximity was pivotal to the visual structure of the cover, as it applied an organised feel to the design. The spacing itself serves as a visual clue as to what’s related and what’s not and as to where one piece of information stops and starts. The use of the author at the top is to provide a sense of content hierachy. Although the title is the main attraction of the cover, placing the author at the top still applies an importance.  

White Space:

The use of active white space ties in with the composition decisions for this cover. Although the spacing of the elements relies on the visual hierachy, the active white space works to enhance both the visual hierachy and overall composition of the cover. 


The composition used, fits well will delivering content in the right way. Using the rule of three, the main body of type is the focus so was centered in the middleish of the layout. The adoption of this method was used so the audience is pulled into it immediatley from looking at it. The design itself does intend to pull you in so the alignment had to be correct, so it can be used to full effect. 


The typeface used above is sans serif as it is in keeping with the style of the genre. If you look at covers in the genre, you’ll notice a trend. It’s not strict, but the right the font says much about the contents. As a typeface it represents a clean, bold, friendly font. Although most typefaces in the genre are normally a bit cleaner and sharper, I believe this typeface represents the ‘every man’ that the books audience intended to reach. 

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