Thursday 19 April 2018



After experimenting with ideas, the conclusion I came to was their required content for the designed logo just would not work. They initially required the logo included type saying “Welcome to the Strawberry Field Unit” This was too much type to be included in a logo. There was a constant discussion throughout this process where me and the home manager would just not meet eye to eye. I created the below design, and tried to propose the design as the final piece. Suggesting it did not need to include such a heavy use of typography as for one it did not work with the design, but it also represents all the themes the dementia unit conveys. After discussions, I was told the logo needed to include more colour, a nod to The Beatles Strawberry Field sign, and  the requested typography. 


The below designs were some of the concepts designed, after discussions of what they required for the logo. In these designs, I have included the required homage to The Beatles, the lines representing the fields (as requested) The typography advertising the “Welcome to Strawberry Fields” and a selected combination of colour. After showing my designs they were still not well recieved. This was expected as I had clearly communicated initially that there was too much content to be included in a logo design. After this failed attempt we went back to discussions, this time taking my ideas more onboard, we discussed how to develop this idea further, I strongly suggested we minimalised the outcome. 

Understanding who the brief is really for. I was initially designing the logo for the client. But then I understood I need to look past that, while the client is still important the design really needs to work for the elderley patients that visit the dementia facility. So I took in the clients considerations and started repurposing my designs towards the patients needs. Whilst it still needed to represent what dementia wing facilities do. At the forefront it needs to be a welcoming sign for all dementia patients, a sign that makes you feel good, a sign that represents that this is where we care for you.

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