Monday 23 April 2018


Big companies and their place in the world shift as the years go by. Their missions have to align with modern values and their branding with modern tastes. That's why logo design and brand identities of successful, long-running businesses tend to evolve over time.
Given the developing design landscape, the creative community at Design Crowd decided to jump ahead to offer a glimpse at what the logos of the future might look like.
Now, in the past few decades an explosion in technology has meant the evolution of trends and tastes has been more rapid than ever, so the designers time-hopped 20 years forward to show where things may be headed. Let's face it, in 100 years design has probably evolved beyond our current realm of understanding. 
Microsoft Logo Design by Enzzok
Google Logo Design by Birdcage
Facebook Logo Design by Triple22A
Coca-Cola Logo Design by Nanocb72

Mastercard Logo Design by pew pew

What this shows is the inevitability of logo design. This path has already been clearly demonstrated. The less is more approach shall continue, but there is only so far it can go. The next concept can only go the opposite direction, where intricately detailed design is used. 

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