Wednesday 18 April 2018



Create a logo for Our House. The logo should stand out from competitors logos, whilst not forgetting to convey the brands values. The logo design should be such that people can recognise it easily. It should be based on a creative idea that is strong enough to capture the audience’s attention. It should be flexible in the sense that it can be used in a variety of ways. Ontop of generating creative content online via social media and websites, Our House will also generate it’s own merchandise so the logo will have to work within Fashion, (specifically luxury streetwear) with clothing labels etc. 


Our House will be a platform that promotes Fashion, art and culture media. Oriented towards youth and young adults. There are a few well established cultural platforms today. What makes Our House different is that it looks to promote the unheard. The brands, artists, fashion designers that do not have awareness yet, but have a product or piece that needs to be seen and promoted. Our House will still look at what is trending with well established  brands, such as Supreme, Kaws etc. But will aim to also give attention to unestablished brands and a wider array of creatives.

Besides promoting cultural media, Our House will have it’s own online store, where it looks to sell it’s own brand of clothing. The clothing range will focus on collaboration with other creatives. Endorsing their skills to create our clothing as well as promote themselves as individuals. The logo will be used to promote this clothing line, and potentially other products in the future.  

The unheard creatives Our House will look to promote will vary in skills. As the online platform starts up there is concern on funding. So through the beginning stages of this process, Our House will look to collaborate with other young like minded creatives, particularly university students, who are looking to collaborate, as they seek to progress their own portfolios and gain more of a presence in the industries they wish to exploit. 

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