Thursday 19 April 2018



Here the ideas were refined, and constructed with different formats and typefaces. Cleaner lines were implemented, with bold outlines to allow the design to stand out. It still implements the home manager’s intitial ideas, however it is restricted. Adopting more of a less is more approach to the design. Which is a style I wanted to experiment with from the beginning of this project. Around this point of the brief we were meeting a sense of middle ground for the design. Although I still was not happy with the final outcome, we disussed making it less flat and adding further dimensions to the design through gradients. 

After further discussion I suggested adding further depth to the design. Using the Sony Ericsson design as an example.  

This was the final  strawberry heart design. It was my most prefferred design. Due to it’s simplicity. I believed it demonstrates all the neccessary themes for the dementia unit such as: Welcoming,Individuality, Nurturing, Guidance and Sensitivity. It depicts the representation of friendly and caring. I attempted to push for this to be the final design however the client required more content. 
It was around this point of the process, I decided to develop a range of outcomes for which they could choose from. I started to accept the fact that the final outcome was not going to be what I personally preferred. 

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