Monday 30 April 2018



For the final outcome I decided to create a visual piece that incorporates my bank note design from the £20 brief. The piece aims to provide a visual metaphor for students to be more conscious on how we use our money. The overall message demonstrates how being ethically aware with our expenditure can in some ways contribute to being environmentally sustainable, as this visual acts as a constant reminder to stray away from our wasteful society and throwaway culture. The succinct message from the visual is by saving money, you can contribute in saving the environment. This message relates specifically to the implied demographic, as financial expenditure is such an importance in their lives. It specifically relates to the research taken from The Federal Office for the Environment (UBA) stating that, 94% of under 25 year olds believe the environment quality worldwide is “very bad” but they’re unwilling to do anything about it. The final outcome looks to address this issue by making it relative to a student’s capabilities, whilst not hindering their quality of life. 


The adoption of a dark tone and specific use of lighting conveys the seriousness/importance of the message implied. Whilst also working to display the content effectively. One light shining on the bank note directs the focus of the visual to the content in the box. This method of lighting and tone also helps the design to stand out and draw attention for the audience. 


The visual combination of money, David Attenbrough and rubbish implies connotations of ethics, the environment and sustainability. This conveys that the choice of the designs in this piece reflect the themes and message intended for the brief, which is to think ethically with our expenditure to improve the U.K’s environmental sustainability. 


The idea of place is evident in the choice of rubbish, using relevant packaging from the U.K. The use of Attenborough and The Queen on our concept bank note design is symbolic of Britishness. This is done to make the overall design more relevant to the audience as it is representation of place specific to the student, which could emote an enhanced emotional reaction. 

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