Monday 30 April 2018



The process of this brief was organised and a lot more succinct in execution than other briefs submitted this year. This is mainly due to the utensils all ready before starting the submission. I knew what I was going to create so it was really just a process of collating research and getting on with it. It is the only brief, where I have stuck to my timeplan and this has been a learning curve. It showed me that once you have generated a final idea in pre-planning, the actual process of finishing a brief becomes a lot more succinct. 

The final outcome successfully considers the principles of the university sustainability framework.

By conducting thorough research, it has contributed to informed design decisions. Studies taken from UBA, ALDI and Middlestadt et al. (2001) study enhanced the effectiveness of the outcome. UBA’s research defined the problem and the why. ALDI and Unilever assisted in inquiring methods of how to be environmentally sustainable as a student. Studies taken from The University of Nebraska report provided knowledge of the most effective ways to teach sustainable practice to young adults. 

Overall I believe I have produced a unique piece which is an alternative method of producing awareness of environmental sustainable practice. The final outcome successfully considers the principles of the university sustainability framework. Whilst conveying them by method of an art installation. Which could be deemed a more effective way of engaging creative students with environmental sustainable practice, without reducing their students quality of life. 

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