Thursday 19 April 2018


The process of designing with these artistic creative briefs for me is always produce, produce and produce. I create a number of concepts and then review them, deciding which ones I prefer and then refine those concepts into final solutions. The difficulty with this brief was there was more than one concept I liked, which made the decision process much harder. 

The process of deciding which design to go with was very difficult. A number of crits were held to decide which design I should choose. In the end through analysing the feedback it seems there was a split decision between two designs. And another design which I personally favoured over all of them but was not the preferred choice. From this analysis I decided to contact 27 club via email to find out if it is ok to submit more than one final outcome. Once I got the ok, I decided to proceed with the 2 favoured designs and mine.

It is difficult when producing graphic art as it is very subjective. And everyone has their own preferences. Trying to adhear to them can be very challenging. Being allowed to submit more than one made this process much more easy to deal with, and if anything increases my chances of winning the competition. 

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