Monday 30 April 2018


Young people are aware of the need to care for and protect the environment but place it low on their list of personal priorities, found from a new study from the Federal Office for the Environment (UBA) 

It found that just 21 percent of 14- to 25-year-olds in the U.K believed that an intact environment and the chance to enjoy nature were important parts of a “good life”.

“The present study shows that the readiness to change behaviour from an environmental perspective is especially decreasing among young people,” UBA president Maria Krautzberger said.

The under-25s are aware in the abstract of threats to the environment – with 94 percent saying that environment quality worldwide is “very bad” They’re just unwilling to do anything about it. 

They’re just unwilling to do anything about it, and young people are particularly reluctant to give up branded clothing and electronic gadgets, the study also showed.

But the biggest cohort of the young remained regular car users, with 55 percent saying that das Auto was still indispensable to their everyday life.

This research shows that young people have a reluctancy to give up certain indispensable neccessities of their lives to improve environmental sustainability. Although they are aware of the issues, changing  their behaviour in some aspects is too detrimental to their day to day routines. This brief needs to find methods in which young adults can contribute to environmental sustainability without reducing capacity for them to live well. 

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