Monday 30 April 2018


Leeds Arts University Sustainability Award

Brief Background: 

Leeds Arts University recognises the importance of embedding sustainability within its practices, both operationally and educationally. We operate within the University Sustainability Framework, which helps educate our students about long-term, cultural, economic and environmental health and vitality, together with the importance of linking social, financial, and environmental well being.

Sustainability Award: 

This award is open to all current students studying at Leeds Arts University. The award recognises innovative and outstanding work that addresses environmental, social and ethical issues with sustainability running clearly through the thinking and approach. To be considered for the award students need to submit a piece of work, based on their interpretation of “sustainability”, reflects the aims identified in the University sustainability framework.

Students should address how they have arrived at their solution. 

 What is the issue? 
 Why is it important?
 How will their work influence new thinking? 
 How does the work address sustainability and, specifically, which of the three pillars (social, economic and environmental) are addressed, and how?


Following up from the £20 note brief, this brief will act as an extension for the Leeds Arts University Sustainability Award brief. It is also my research brief. 

Produce an innovative piece that addresses environmental sustainability in the U.K. The piece should look to create awareness of the environmental issues our country faces. It should aim to educate students in Leeds Art University to be more environmentally sustainable, without reducing its capacity to allow students to live well, now and in the future.

It is also important that the outcome reflects the aims identified in the University sustainability framework. 

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