Monday 30 April 2018


Environmentally friendly:

Being environmentally friendly simply means having a lifestyle that is better for the environment. Its all about taking small steps towards mother earth so as to make this planet a better place for our communities and generations to come. A good way would be to start with conserving water, driving less and walking more, consuming less energy, buying recycled products, eating locally grown vegetables, joining environmental groups to combat air pollution, creating less waste, planting more trees and many more.

The Environmentally Friendly Person

The environmentally friendly person is the person who moves through life with an awareness of how natural resources are used to create and support the life that they live. They recycle, conserve water and fuel and make other choices that not only lessen their impact on the environment, but also support industries that are working towards being more environmentally responsible.

The final outcome should relate to this idea of applying a stronger awareness to students on how to be environmentally friendly, whilst keeping in mind of the demographic.

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