Thursday 19 April 2018



One difficulty faced in this brief was establishing effective time planning. Initially the plan was to complete this brief within 2-3 days. The first day was idea generation. 2nd the design process and the 3rd was the write up. The issue with having a design methaology of create, create, create is it’s sometimes difficult to stop producing outcomes and try continue with the brief. I was unsatisfied with the outcomes I was producing so I could not commence further with the brief until I produced something I believed provided a good design but also applied the correct semantics intended. This is something I will try and improve on, and as a smaller brief it’s much easier to take risks and play around with a number of ideas.

The 3 final outcomes I am overally happy with. Each design offers something different. It was difficult producing one succinct solution due to the mixed varied feedback I received from my peers. This sometimes over analysis can create unwanted problems. What became apparent is with visual briefs such as 27 club, is great analysis and constant feedback is not needed as much as a brief which requires greate depth and understanding. This is knowledge I shall take forward. 

In terms of producing an outcome that is fitting for the 27 club brief, I believe this has been achieved. There is an underline focus implied for each design, with deep rooted meaning implied behind each design decision. The outcomes are supported by in depth research on Brian Jones taken from quotes and stories from former band members of The Rolling Stones and biographies written about him. I have successfully changed or brought awareness to him as a musician and the fact that he is a man forgotten in one of the biggest bands ever. The design supports these themes, whilst also celebrating the artist and the band itself. 

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