Monday 30 April 2018



The following text has been created to be displayed with the installation:

You probably care about the environment. But do you do anything to help? Do you recycle? Do you conserve? Some people think to effectively sustain a healthy environment you need to empty your pockets. This is not the case. 

How to be an environmentally friendly student without breaking the bank?

Learning to be more environmentally friendly is easier than you think. You don’t have to jump in by changing everything, start small to make the changes more sustainable and a part of your normal life. 

- Be more aware of the resources you use. Pay attention to how you choose to heat, travel, use water and use products

- Practice conservation, this can be as simple as turning off the lights when you leave a room. 

- Conserve water, this can be done by simply taking shorter showers or stop keeping the tap running whilst you brush.

- Certain grocery stores are more environmentally considerate than others. Do your grocery shopping at either ALDI or Waitrose. 

- Bin your cigarettes. Cigarettes account for over 40% of street litter
The cigarette filters can take up to 12 years to degrade!

- Remember the 3 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, recycle

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