Wednesday 18 April 2018


As logo design progresses one recurring theme is the idea of logos becoming less intricate and focus on the idea of less is more. These minimal ideas are progressing to become more and more minimal. But there will reach a point where it cannot progress, when this happens logo design will look to previous idealogies and design principles and become more intricate. Looking into 60’s packaging and branding, is an idea I believe they coudl transcend to. 

Above is a design of an old super glue product. Although it is complex in it’s design, overall it works in harmony.

The copyright for it was search and it has expired meaning I could simply adopt the design. Looking into the semantics I believed this design could be adopted for my logo. The two bulldogs represented my own british roots, as well as this battle between the two dogs symbolising the connotations of ‘our’ It also conveys the ideas of the materialistic ‘I want it now’ society we live in today, which is an idea of irony I would like to depict in the brand as it is this culture that is so prevalent within my target audience. 

Here are ideas experimenting with the super glue branding. Although I do like the design, as a concept it was not 100% for me. It’s more the story behind it which I enjoy. But in terms of a design perspective, and it’s actualy application for the requirements for Our House, I do not think it works as well, because it works as a clothing logo but not a brand logo. 

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