Monday 30 April 2018



The description of the visual piece is just as important as the visual. They both have their own roles in translating the message of the brief. The visual works to successfully draw you to the piece, hopefully creating the audiences initial perception and create interest in the same way shock art such as Marcel Dauchamps ‘Fountain’ piece creates interest. The description works to understand the piece and convey a clear message. The aim of this description was to educate a student on how to be more environmentally sustainable without having to change their quality of life. The content needed to be brief and direct. If it was too informative the audience could lose interest. The points used were done to be realistically achievable for a student. The adoption of colloquial language was to create a friendly simple approach. The use of rhetorical questions and rule of three at the beginning of the description was done deliberately to engage the reader.

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