Monday 30 April 2018


A number of sources were used to gather more information on issues with our environment. Eventually after completing the research the next process was to narrow down the main issues within Britains environment. 

These were:

- Air pollution

- Litter

- Wildlife

- Climate Change

Now these four are big global issues, but we looked further into how these issues massively effect Britain individually as a country. In the hope of creating greater relevant awareness. 


The use of iconography was to visually translate some of the main issues to address in protecting Britains environment. 

Issues with our environment:

- Grazing, air pollution and the forces of climate change have significantly affected regions of the UK, according to the UK NEA. Grazing and agricultural activities have also affected the country’s grassy lowlands.

- Almost everyone in the country knows that aluminium cans can be recycled (96%), only 66% of those who use them say they recycle them every time. Although it’s worrying that recycling rates in the UK have dropped from previous years, it isn’t too late to do something about it. 

- The UK is now one of the “most nature-depleted countries in the world” with more than one in seven species facing extinction and more than half in decline, according to the State of Nature 2016 report. It found modern agricultural techniques have had a major impact on wildlife over the last four decades – and it had been “overwhelmingly negative”.

- Most rivers, lakes and coastal and ground waters in England will still not meet legally binding EU water pollution targets by 2021 – six years after the initial deadline.

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