Friday 20 April 2018



I have mixed feelings over the final design. It was not picked by me however, I came to the conclusion that the final design was not neccessarily going to be a design that I particularly favoured. This process was really about what design the client favoured. However from a design perspective, it is still a clean design that offers the modernised logo implications discussed at the beginning of the process. It does not include all the recommended design inputs that were discussed from the beginning of the process. I believe this is truely where I have succeeded in this brief. The ability to put my foot down and enforce my ideas. I personally disagreed with the design inputs of the client. So being able to have some final input in the final outcome I still deem some what a success. As that is a difficult trait to excert in this industry. 

Welcoming,Individuality, Nurturing, Guidance and Sensitivity. These themes can still be presented in this logo design. The use of the colour red conveys a sense of passion and love. The green highlights health and prosperity. These were themes that represent what the dimentia wing tries to convey. Which is why it is still a fitting final outcome in terms of a design sense and the semantics I wanted to imply.


The process of feedback for this brief was quite different from other briefs. This time I decided to get feedback from the actual patients from the care home. After speaking with the care manager we both agreed this would be a good idea, to get the most effective result. Apparently there was a lot of unresponsive feedback, majority from the male patients. However this design was selected as the favoured. This showed me that my personal preference did not matter. The brief was to design a logo for this specific audience, and if the patients prefer this design, then I have ultimately succeeded in my overall aim for the brief. 

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