Monday 30 April 2018


The final outcome has met the requirements set out from the brief. In design terms, it has all the necessary requirements for legitimacy that a banknote should have. By conducting deep rooted anaylsis on  our current bank notes, I have created a design which has constantly been informed by practical research undertaken on banknote design. This brief highlights my ability to focus on the details and how they have informed my approach to the brief. It demonstrates how my skill set can be distributed to the exact needs and specifications of a detailed project.

The design is still relative to it’s predassesors, as the note itself is still a repository of the United Kingdom’s collective memory and still is a testament to the outstanding achievements of the nation’s greatest individuals. This brief has just allowed me to expand on the depth of this idea. It is interesting how pivotal money can be in promoting a message. Which is why government should use this power to bring awareness and change to problems that do effect our country. 

The note successfully demonstrates the individual issues that the U.K’s environment are facing, and highlights this through it’s use of iconography and overall design. Each part of the design process has been informed from research either based on Attenborough, The Bank of England and environmental issues our country faces. 

What was enjoyable throughout this process was creating the note through undergoing a very critical, detailed process. Banknotes require a tremendous amount of detail, seeing how the patterns fit together, how the typefaces work in harmony and the small security ‘flaws’ displayed throughout it’s design. 

At times it was difficult to piece all the individual elements together into one design, however I believe the final outcome displays a sense of visual harmony, whilst still fitting to the conceptual ideals of the £5 and £10 notes.

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